Script: --on windowEvent wdID,wdName,objNo,objName,objValue¬global serialNum¬¬if objValue="Open" then ¬ centerWindow wdName,2.5¬ ¬ if (There is a cd fld "Superlatives" of cd 3) then¬ get cd fld "Superlatives" of cd 3¬ put random (the number of lines of it) + 1 into lineNum¬ put "by " & line lineNum of it && "Pete Bickford" into authorName¬ wsSet wdID,"Author","Text",authorName¬ end if¬ if serialNum = empty then¬ -- Demo version¬ wsSet wdID,3,"Text","Human Computing at (408) 266-6883"¬ ¬ else¬ wsSet wdID,1,"Text","Registered To"¬ end if¬end if¬¬--end windowEvent¬¬¬
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TextStyle: Bold,Underline
TextAlign: Center
Text: Demonstration Version
ItemType: TEXT
Rect: 211,244,425,270
TextFont: Geneva
TextSize: 10
AutoSize: FALSE
Name: UserName
TextAlign: Center
Text: Some features are disabled—Contact Human Computing
Script: --on closeField wdID,wdName,objNo,objName,objValue¬put wsGet(wdID,"UserName","Text") into theUserName¬if theUserName ≠ empty then¬ -- Activate OK button¬ wsSet wdID,"OK","Disabled", "false"¬else¬ wsSet wdID,"OK","Disabled", "true"¬end if ¬--end closeField
ItemType: TEXT
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Name: SerialNum
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Text: for a full version of ComicBase
ItemType: TEXT
Rect: 211,75,426,93
TextFont: Geneva
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Name: theVersion
TextStyle: Bold
TextAlign: Center
Text: Version 3.0b1
Script: --on closeField wdID,wdName,objNo,objName,objValue¬put wsGet(wdID,"UserName","Text") into theUserName¬if theUserName ≠ empty then¬ -- Activate OK button¬ wsSet wdID,"OK","Disabled", "false"¬else¬ wsSet wdID,"OK","Disabled", "true"¬end if ¬--end closeField
ItemType: TEXT
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TextFont: Helvetica
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Name: Author
TextAlign: Center
Text: by Big Pete Bickford
Script: --on closeField wdID,wdName,objNo,objName,objValue¬put wsGet(wdID,"UserName","Text") into theUserName¬if theUserName ≠ empty then¬ -- Activate OK button¬ wsSet wdID,"OK","Disabled", "false"¬else¬ wsSet wdID,"OK","Disabled", "true"¬end if ¬--end closeField
ItemType: TEXT
Rect: 211,13,426,49
TextFont: Helvetica
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Name: ProductName
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TextAlign: Center
Text: The ComicBase™ Encyclopedia of Comics
Script: --on closeField wdID,wdName,objNo,objName,objValue¬put wsGet(wdID,"UserName","Text") into theUserName¬if theUserName ≠ empty then¬ -- Activate OK button¬ wsSet wdID,"OK","Disabled", "false"¬else¬ wsSet wdID,"OK","Disabled", "true"¬end if ¬--end closeField